Lock your luggage! Carry keys in your hand luggage.
Remove old Claim Checks to avoid confusion with the baggage handlers on what your luggage's destination is.
Affix identification tags with your name and address to each piece of your luggage. You may wish to use your business address in order to avoid advertising an unoccupied house. ALWAYS include identification inside each piece of luggage as well, in case your baggage tag becomes detached from the exterior.
Place your final destination and itinerary inside your suitcase on top of your personal items. This information may help in minimizing delays in getting your luggage to you if it should become lost.
ALWAYS carry essential, valuable and breakable items with you. This should include items such as travel documents, travelers' checks, house keys, medicines,, prescriptions, eyeglasses and jewelry. Pack an extra copy of your prescriptions drugs for safety purposes. Keep your drugs in their original containers as well.
Mark your luggage in a conspicuous manner, so it will be easily identifiable.
Carry a list of the contents of your luggage, itemizing everything.
Carry a set of luggage straps with you in case of damage to your luggage.
Pack a lightweight, collapsible tote bag in your luggage to bring home souvenirs and last minute purchases.
If traveling overseas, try to pack all of your new purchases in one bag and all of your receipts in one envelope, to help save time when going through Customs.
Check in early and check your bags. Examine your tags to make certain your luggage is marked with the correct destination.
When traveling with someone, you might consider packing half your items into each other's suitcase. If one of the bags is lost, at least you both will still have some of your important items.
Wearing the heaviest or bulkiest clothing and shoes on board the plane can save packing space.
Put a few plastic bags in your suitcase. They come in handy when repacking wet bathing suits, damp clothing or laundry.
Make two copies of the first two pages of your passport; leave one at home and pack the other in your luggage. This facilitates replacement if your passport is lost or stolen.
Pack a pocket calculator for converting foreign currencies and mileage.
Insect repellent, especially for warm weather travel, could prevent some sleepless nights.
A Swiss army knife, complete with scissors, bottle opener and other gadgets, could make a trip hassle-free.
Bring a small flashlight. One never knows when there might be a power failure in a hotel.
Pack a snack - there might be a delay!